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Thank you for taking the time to visit our site. We appreciate your interest in our products. We understand you may have concerns about how your information is gathered when you visit our site and we want you to feel comfortable with the way we handle that information. Our web server records information about your visit such as the length of your visit, the areas you visited and what type of information you viewed. This helps us to improve our site's content and performance by determining what areas our customers utilise the least/most. We may also use 'cookies' to track our visitor's preferences. A cookie is a small file that is kept on your computer by the website and is read by the website at certain times to determine preferences such as how information is to be displayed while you're using our site. Further personal data is only gathered if you willingly participate in surveys, contests, etc.

We use the information we gather about you for the sole purpose of technical administration of our websites, improving our services and products, product surveys and marketing, and only to the extent necessary in each specific case. We will not sell or provide any of the information about you that we have collected or stored to other companies, marketers, magazines or any other third parties. All information is dealt with according to the Privacy Act 2020


Gardeners Range

Gardeners Range

If you love healthy, all-natural plants without any chemicals or hocus pocus, try our amazing Organic Range. It's like an all-natural superfood for plants, and comes complete with a big green thumbs-up from BioGro, NZ's leading organic certifier.

Learn more >
Commercial Range

Commercial Range

For over 20 years we've crafted our amazing compost and helped recycle well over a million tonnes of New Zealand’s organic waste! That's a lot of great gardens, healthy crops and exciting city green areas that Living Earth has helped to grow.

Learn more >